Did you know? Social networking is now a crucial part of a successful job search

Are you attracting recruiters to your LinkedIn profile?

Promote Yourself and Your Brand on LinkedIn

Hiring companies trust the recommendations of people they know. In fact, about 30% of external hires are based on personal referrals. Don’t miss out. Harness the power of LinkedIn and communicate your value in a compelling and persuasive way with a solid LinkedIn profile. Then share your LinkedIn profile with former coworkers, managers, and others connections.


Companies that Use LinkedIn to Recruit


Active Job Listings on LinkedIn


People Who Search for Jobs in Bed

Your resume package comes with a LinkedIn makeover

In about a week, we’ll overhaul your LinkedIn presence. It starts with a detailed questionnaire and concludes when I update your live LinkedIn page for you. As we go, I’ll also share headshot suggestions, keyword recommendations, how to capitalize on LinkedIn’s networking features, and advanced job search strategies. When we’re done, your new LinkedIn page will work hand-in-hand with your resume to extend your personal brand and clearly communicate the value you bring to an organization lucky enough to have you on board.

Look good on LinkedIn and stand out from the crowd

Click below to read what some of my clients are saying about their LinkedIn makeovers

Adding a professional photo to your profile makes you 14 times more likely to be found on LinkedIn.

source: expandedramblings.com

Your LinkedIn headline is the only customizable personal info that shows up in search results. State your value proposition, include keywords, and grab attention.

42% of hiring managers surveyed by LinkedIn said they view volunteer experience as equivalent to formal work experience.

source: www.blog.linkedin.com

A summary of 40 words or more makes you more likely to turn up in a future employer’s search.

source: www.blog.linkedin.com

Look more professional and make your profile easier to share by customizing your public profile URL.

Your profile has 13 times more chances to get viewed if you add your professional skills to your profile.

source: www.entrepreneur.com